Our Ambition
Pursuing a more inclusive and sustainable fashion world
We strive for a fashion industry that takes care of people, animals, and the planet. A move towards slower, more conscious consumption.
Our planet needs us to select our materials carefully, and then use them sparingly. All our processes must ultimately produce no waste. We will continue to research, and pursue ongoing improvements with these simple aims.
We hope for a fashion industry where all brands celebrate diversity, and where no one is judged for their skin colour, gender, sexuality, ability, appearance, or demeanour, where marginalised people can feel seen and heard.
We empathise with the LGBTQ+, PWD, Plus and Small-size communities. We believe in making people feel good for who they are - not what they should be.

People, animals, planet - then profit
What's really important here?
Taking care of the people involved in our supply chain. Taking care of the animals who supply our raw materials. Taking care of our planet. These are our primary objectives.

No surprises
No spin, other than our yarns! That's a promise.
We pledge to be open, transparent and clear about our business. Our partnerships, collaborations, and certifications are from people you can trust, and companies we genuinely like.

Knitwear that cares
We can’t solve all the problems we see in this sector, but we want to do our bit to drive change.
Over time we hope to collaborate with local and national charities to help improve working conditions for garment workers throughout the world, and supporting environmental aims to minimise the impact of fashion on the planet.

100% ethically sourced
100% ethically sourced. 100% plastic-free knitwear.
All our knitwear is made of 100% merino wool. Our labels are made from 100% organic cotton. Nothing else.
The wool comes from high welfare Australian farms, which guarantees high animal standards. Mulesing free.
Our packaging is reusable, recyclable, and fully compostable.
We take time to understand the people working in our supply chains, as obtaining ethical standards for their staff is important to us.

Walk the talk
There's no greenwashing with us (other than when we wash our 'Field Green' yarn!). That's a promise.
We strive to always treat our customers, suppliers, and team with respect. Treating others as we, ourselves, want to be treated.
We're also committed to striving for improvement, too - to challenge the way we do things, and be open to new ways of doing them better.